Se dice que a algunos prisioneros se les condenaba a estar bajo una llave
que tiraba una gota de agua helada a la vez, y así, al prisionero condenado
congelado y moría. Se dice también que les decían que
el que lograra quedar vivo después de todo esto, se le era perdonado y
dejado libre. Uno de los muchachos fue condenado a esta tortura y logró
salvarse, poniéndose una moneda en el lugar en el que caía la gota, y así
logro salvarse de este castigo y que lo perdonaran
San Fernando de Omoa's Fort
It is said that some prisoners were condemned to be under a key pulling a drop of ice water at once, and thus, the condemned prisoner a it was gradually cooling the brain until it was frozen and died.
It is also said they were told that which managed to stay alive after all this, he was forgiven and vacated.
One boy was condemned to this torture and managed
saved, putting a coin in the place where the drop fell, and so was saved from this punishment and forgive him
San Fernando de Omoa's Fort
It is said that some prisoners were condemned to be under a key pulling a drop of ice water at once, and thus, the condemned prisoner a it was gradually cooling the brain until it was frozen and died.
It is also said they were told that which managed to stay alive after all this, he was forgiven and vacated.
One boy was condemned to this torture and managed
saved, putting a coin in the place where the drop fell, and so was saved from this punishment and forgive him
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